5 Fan Theories Ahead of ‘Iron Flame’

In six more days, Iron Flame will be in bookstores or, if you pre-ordered, delivered straight to you! After the cliffhanger ending of Fourth Wing, there have been many fan theories about what could happen in Iron Flame.

In September, Maude’s Book Club covered Fourth Wing and could not stop discussing the endless possibilities of where this five-book series could end up. We have chosen Iron Flame as our bonus book this month too!

If you haven’t read Fourth Wing yet: a) what have you been doing? b) you need to read it, and c) spoilers are below.

Here are some fan theories swirling around the Internet.


#1: Xaden and Violet Will Not Be Together

In Fourth Wing, the slow-burn romance between Xaden and Violet was the main draw for many romance readers who just stepped into fantasy. Rebecca Yarros wanted to balance both and make this an introduction for fantasy and romance readers to enjoy. Sure, there is plenty of spice between Xaden and Violet, but it feels like they got together too fast. And if there are another four books to go, it only makes sense that they have some argument that rips them apart. They will still be bonded because of Tairn and Sgaeyl, but throughout the series, it would be interesting to have them on and off again to drive readers insane.

#2 Dain Can Only See Recent Memories

Just so everyone knows, we do NOT stan Dain at MBC. And we really don’t think anyone else does either. When it was revealed that Dain could see recent memories by touching someone’s face, everyone’s heart broke for Violet. Every time Dain touched her, and it was roughly around 30 times throughout the book, he could have read her memories. So if you’ve read Fourth Wing multiple times, you can catch when Dain could have violated her privacy. The theory here is that if Dain could only see recent memories, then he doesn’t know everything. There’s no time range stated on how far back Dain could go. However, the older he gets and the more he trains his signet powers he could be able to touch anywhere and see anything. This is something that would be interesting to see in Iron Flame.

#3 Violet Will Have Three Signets

Our girl Violence is stacked with signet powers thanks to Andarna and Tairn. From lightning strikes to stopping time, Violet is powerful. The one issue now with Andarna is that she’s a growing dragon and because her adolescent power was to stop time, she’s going to grow into a new one. Andarna will always be with Violet and that’s a given. If she could stop time as an adolescent dragon, then her signet power could evolve into time travel, which would be incredible.

If you have any advanced time theories for dragon powers, feel free to drop them below!

#4 General Sorrengail Isn’t Bad

Since the book is from Violet’s perspective, we feel everything with her. When we find out that her mother is forcing her to go to the Rider’s quadrant instead of the Scribe's quadrant, we feel that her mother is being unfair. We think she doesn’t care about her because Violet knows her strengths, and it’s not sparring with others or going through obstacle courses. However, General Sorrengail did say that if any of her children could make it through the Rider’s quadrant, it was Violet. What could be uncovered here is that Violet’s mother wanted her to grow stronger because she would be a target no matter where she was stationed. She could have forced her to go through this knowing Brennan was alive and that someone would lead her to him. Hopefully, there will be more interactions between General Sorrengail and Violet to see if this theory is true.

#5 Brennan is Evil

Listen, no one wants this to actually be true, but it’s possible. It has been swirling around that either Xaden or Brennan could be Venins. Brennan would be more plausible than Xaden considering what has happened to him. The reason it could be Brennan is because he died and came back. There could be good healers out there, but to bring someone back from the dead? It’s interesting to say the least. There’s a whole theory that Tairn and his old rider helped fake Brennan’s death. And that Brennan needed more power to fight the rebellion with Xaden so he became Venin to channel more power. It has even been said that Brennan took the power from Tarins old rider. It’s a far-fetched theory but it would be interesting to see how Brennan turns out. They do say that Brennan is no longer the person he used to be and Mira even warned Violet to remember the brother she used to have and not the brother now.


If you have any more Iron Flame theories let us know in the comments below! If you agree with anything that has been mentioned above, come join the discussion in the discord and read Iron Flame with us this month!

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