Welcome to your new favourite book nook of the internet
Welcome to Maude’s Book Club! Over the past couple of years, Maude Garrett has interacted with some incredible authors and wants to continue having them join the live stream. As much as Maude loves books, she hopes to hold her patrons accountable for them to finish up their TBR pile and continue reading.
Here members of MBC can interact with Maude and their favourite authors about upcoming book club selections and ask burning questions to the authors who show up monthly. The most important thing about our community is that everyone feels comfortable enough to share their thoughts in a healthy discussion about the books they love.
Navigate the internet
We know that the internet can be a tough space to navigate and that’s why we want to create a safe space for everyone in the reading community to be able to discuss their favourite books with other bookworms.
Here at MBC we want to:
Keep you accountable
It is incredibly hard to finish a book for some and for others they keep buying books that they say they’ll get to reading. We want to hold avid readers or new readers accountable to successfully achieve their reading goals.
Host discussions
We love having open and insightful discussions about our monthly books because every member feels safe enough to share their opinions.
Make reading Fun
The most important thing for Maude’s Book Club is that we make reading fun and get readers excited to pick up their next book.

The MBC community is a place to read your favourite books, have in-depth discussions, and most importantly, expand your reading palette
Would you read more if you had the accountability to finish within a deadline?
Join us from 5-7 pm PT and get ready to answer: “IS BOOK GOOD?
What IS Maude’s Book Club
First established through Geek Bomb back in 2014, This Fantasy & SciFi Book Club will be your new favourite corner of the internet! Do you have a massive TBR pile? Do you struggle to finish a book? Are you wanting to get back into reading and sharing your thoughts with a like-minded community? THEN THIS IS THE BOOK CLUB FOR YOU! Each month, we select a book to read and discuss it over the first two Wednesdays of each month on Twitch, via a Discord call. ONLY CLUB MEMBERS will have access to this call!
Come and join the Discord today to share your love of reading with other bookworms and maybe even try something new
Join us on Discord
Come and join the Discord today to share your love of reading with other bookworms and maybe even try something new. As a book club member, you get a Discord role and of course, you will be a part of a wonderful community. You will get to vote on MBC decisions, like upcoming books and the schedule for each month. Additionally, you will get access to 24/7 Book channels to talk about recs, current books, and reading goals.
Patreon tiers breakdown
The “Book Club Member” ($5 USD) tier offers access to 24/7 book channels on Discord, to the Recommendations Doc, and the Book Discussion Doc, the exclusive show-chat channel on Discord during the LIVE shows, plus two entries into book giveaways. You will also be able to submit questions to authors for Q&As.
The “Book Club Member+”($15 USD) tier gains you a Discord role and you get to join Maude in her live Twitch show ‘Maude’s Book Club to chat about the book of the month. You will also get to ‘wind down’ after the book club with Maude and all the members (via voice/video call).
The “Merch Member” ($35 USD) tier gains you a Discord role and gives you access to the Exclusive Merch Member Discord channel. You will be able to help design and decide on the merchandise! Plus you get 3x entries into giveaways.
Maude’s Book Club is a fun book-loving community that will help each other read more books
Join Us on Patreon
When you become a member of ‘Maude’s Book Club’ you are able to join the live Twitch show and get exclusive access only via Discord voice channel every first and second Wednesday of each month. Patreon users can submit questions for author Q&A streams. You will also get access to the Book Recommendations Doc where you can add your book recs for us to choose from and the Book Discussion Doc where you can add your thoughts, quotes, and questions. As of June 1st, we have added new tiers for our Patreon members.