5 Reasons Audiobooks Are A Valid Form of Reading

If you are new to Maude’s Book Club, my name is Amanda Guarragi and I am not an avid reader. I’m an Entertainment Journalist, so movies and television were my bread and butter. Once I started to read more with Maude Garrett holding me accountable, I set my reading goals on Goodreads and hit my goal early on. I’ve read 24 books and it’s only June!

On my days off from my full-time job, I try my best to read for full days (while taking breaks of course) and it has been so rewarding. Even evenings have been peaceful because I light a candle, get my tea and read for the rest of the night. I have become an avid reader thanks to Maude’s Book Club. Whether it’s a hardcover, paperback or even on my Kindle beside me, I’m always looking for my next read.

You may be wondering where audiobooks come in and I’m about to tell you that they have changed my life. If you didn’t know, Maude swears by audiobooks as a valid form of reading. And, admittedly, at first, I didn’t think audiobooks would work for me.

Last summer I went to the library and got my first library card. I didn’t expect to feel the wave of giddiness, but I felt like a new side of my brain had been unlocked. I downloaded the ‘Libby’ app and began listening.

Here are the 5 reasons why Audiobooks will help you hit your reading goals!

  1. multiple apps for listening

    There are different ways to listen to audiobooks because of the accessibility of multiple platforms.

    Apple Books is a great app to get new releases instantly and you’re able to download the book directly to your phone. Whether you’re driving or going out for a run, it’s easy in the palm of your hand. The layout is easy to navigate and you can set your reading goals on the app.

    Audible works differently than other apps. If you’re an avid reader and love listening to books and podcasts, then a subscription to Audible would be beneficial. You get one free book per month, with deals and discounts as a member. It works on a credit system, so one credit can be used for one book that you’re listening to. Maude has used Audible for a very long time and she swears by it.

    Libby is linked with your local public library. You sign up for a library card, download the app and then enter card details and password. Once you sign into the Libby app, you can place audiobooks on hold and wait for your turn. The benefit is this is an entirely free app and you are supporting your local libraries. There are books constantly on rotation and sometimes there are new releases.

2. always on the move

If you plan on reading more, but you’re a very busy person or get restless sitting for a long period, audiobooks will help you through. The beauty of audiobooks is you can be on the move and always have a book you’re listening to. Whether you’re driving, walking your dog, or running errands, you can put on any book and listen to the narrator while doing other tasks. My place of work is 40 minutes away from me. I have to drive 40 minutes there and back, so I finish an audiobook on my drive within a week. Some books have been more engaging than others, but they have been calming to listen to on my drives.

3. stimulating other senses

I know what you’re thinking, “But I get distracted easily, how do you focus with an audiobook?” I was worried about this too when I first listened to an audiobook. However, I was pleasantly surprised to realize that listening to the words differently impacted my brain. It’s like the words were flowing like a song and I caught myself reciting the words in my mind while listening to the audiobook. It feels like your brain has opened up another section and listening to audiobooks will make you more alert.

4. Registering the story

Stimulating other senses and registering the story go hand-in-hand. The reason why it’s easy for the story to seep into your mind is because your other senses have awakened. Similarly to the music in the background, the words are planted in your brain and you remember everything that happens in the novel. Just like reading words on a page, you are transported sonically to the world you’ve chosen to step into. You will catch yourself commenting on what’s happening in the novel without even realizing it. And that’s what makes audiobooks so special.

5. dramatized versions

Dramatized versions can be exciting to listen to because they are structured like old-fashioned radio shows. There are sound effects and voice actors that dramatically perform the novel. It’s a different listening experience, but at the same time, it will affect how you connect with the story entirely. Maude’s favourite thing to do every year is listen to the dramatized versions of the series A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas because they’re so good!

My main takeaway from audiobooks being a valid form of reading is they can be helpful for those who learn differently. Not everyone is a visual learner and they can be auditory learners instead. That’s why if you’ve been set on reading words on pages for so long, listening to an audiobook can be a challenge to reawaken your senses and how you connect with a world of books.


Which audiobook app do you have downloaded? We have an audiobook channel in our discord! Come and join us as we read more together with the MBC community. You can become a member today and join us in reading The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson, our book of the month. There is also access to behind-the-scenes content from ‘Maude’s Book Club’.


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