Maude’s Book Club April 2022 Selection: ‘Mistborn: The Hero of Ages’ by Brandon Sanderson
Maude’s April selection is a return to Brandon Sanderson with Mistborn: The Hero of Ages. This month the community wanted to dive into something a bit more familiar! Every month Maude chooses a new Fantasy or Sci-Fi novel with our book club. She uses Good Reads to keep everything in one space.
“To end the Final Empire and restore freedom, Vin killed the Lord Ruler. But, as a result, the Deepness – the lethal form of the ubiquitous mists – is back, along with increasingly heavy ashfalls and ever more powerful earthquakes. Humanity appears to be doomed.”
About The Author
Brandon Sanderson was born in December 1975 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Throughout elementary school, he lost interest in the types of titles often suggested to him. He really enjoyed epic fantasy, so much that he even tried his hand at writing some. in 1994 Sanderson enrolled at Brigham Young University as a biochemistry major.
Afterwards, he took time away from his studies to serve as a missionary as well. He did return to school and became an English major instead. He began writing his stories and managed to finish seven novels during his undergraduate years. It was in 2003, while he was in his graduate program, that he got a call from his editor that his first novel Elantris would be published.
Maude’s Book Chat ‘Mistborn: The Hero of Ages’ Part 1
Talking Points
(18:43) Vaidin said that the pacing is much better in this third instalment. It’s like the perfect combination of the first and the second. Maude says that Sanderson has a formula where he starts off slow and then picks up the pacing for the second half.
(1:01:21) Spooks’s crush on Vin is a topic of conversation because Vin doesn’t feel the same because she likes Elend and his nobility. Maude explains Vin’s journey through the three books and her relationships.
(1:40:56) Maude talks about the Lord Ruler and how the spikes being nailed into a certain position can give someone different powers. As Maude was listening to this, she was at the acupuncturist and it was funny to be in that moment.
Maude’s Book Chat ‘Mistborn: The Hero of Ages’ Part 2
Talking Points
(26:11) Vaidin loves the book and the series as a whole. The world-building is strong and it’s educational. Everyone had their stories resolved. Maude liked it more than The Well of Ascension but not as much as Mistborn.
(1:02:35) The community brings up the romance in this third book and the fate of their relationship. Sean said that they could be the most prudish romance books ever written, but he hopes the practice will help him in his future works, at least.
(1:41:30) Maude brings up Sanderson’s Kickstarter and that this series could possibly be in the style of Arcane, which would look fantastic.
Have you read Mistborn: The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson?
Maude gave it four out of five stars on GoodReads, what would you give it out of five? If you want to join our Book Chat community, head on over to our Patreon and join us today!