Book Review: ‘Iron Flame’ by Rebecca Yarros

Iron Month was a complete success for Maude’s Book Club! Not only did we finish Iron Gold by Pierce Brown, but we were invested in Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros.

After reading Fourth Wing in September with our wonderful community, it was very fitting that we would read the sequel the month of release. Many of our community members struggled with the length and how much lore was involved. The one thing that can be said about Iron Flame is that the characters are so well-written that they have become timeless. These characters will become familiar to everyone instantly, and that’s the magic of Yarros’s writing.

If you haven’t finished Iron Flame, SPOILERS ARE BELOW.

Remember to go at your own pace because it is jam-packed with action and politics. Reading isn’t a race or a competition. It’s meant for you to get lost in another world.



Everyone expected Violet Sorrengail to die during her first year at Basgiath War College—Violet included. But Threshing was only the first impossible test meant to weed out the weak-willed, the unworthy, and the unlucky.

Now the real training begins, and Violet’s already wondering how she’ll get through. It’s not just that it’s grueling and maliciously brutal, or even that it’s designed to stretch the riders’ capacity for pain beyond endurance. It’s the new vice commandant, who’s made it his personal mission to teach Violet exactly how powerless she is–unless she betrays the man she loves.

Although Violet’s body might be weaker and frailer than everyone else’s, she still has her wits—and a will of iron. And leadership is forgetting the most important lesson Basgiath has taught her: Dragon riders make their own rules.

But a determination to survive won’t be enough this year.

Because Violet knows the real secret hidden for centuries at Basgiath War College—and nothing, not even dragon fire, may be enough to save them in the end.




  • “Turns out, falling in love with someone only brings that blissful high all the poets talk about if they love you back. And if they keep secrets that jeopardize everyone and everything you hold dear? Love doesn't have the decency to die. It just transforms into abject misery. That’s what this ache is: misery.”

  • “Confidence is not arrogance. I don't lose the fights I pick. And we're both allowed to have boundaries. You're not the only one who gets to set rules in this relationship secrets make for poor leverage. They die with the people who keep them.”

  • “The second year is when the rest of us lose our humanity. It's all part of turning us into effective weapons, and don't forget for a second that's the mission here.”

  • “It would be fun to watch him eat the pompous one.” - Andarna 

  • “I want you more than my next breath, but I can't fuck you into looking at me like you used to. I refuse to use sex as a tool to get you back.” - Xaden

  • “In a way we are both alike, both wanting more than the other person is willing to risk.” 

  • “That stupid gauntlet isn't just about physically climbing it. It’s about climbing after we see it kill our friends. Parapet, gauntlet, presentation - they seem excessive when we are here but prepare us for something worse when we leave here. We are the weapons and this place is the stone they use to sharpen us.”

  • “He's the horizon and nothing else exists beyond for me.” - Violet

  • “To which I will remind you that not a single dragon chose her. You were selected by two. Pull yourself together.” - Tairn

  • “I just killed the vice commandant of the quadrant. What am I supposed to do? Go back to class?” - Violet  

  • “I do. I'm sorry if you expect me to do the noble thing. I warned you. I'm not sweet or soft or kind, and you fell anyway. This is what you get, Violet _ me. The good, the bad, the unforgivable. All of it. I Am yours. Do you want to know something real? Something true? I love you. I'm in love with you. I have been since the night the snow fell in your hair and you kissed me for the first time. I'm grateful my life is tied to yours because it means I won't have to face a day without you in it. My heart only beats as long as yours does, and when you die, I'll meet Malek at your side. It's a damn good thing your love me too because you're stuck with me in life and every other that could possibly follow.” - Xaden

  • “Xaden can control and increase what already exists. It's why he's more powerful at night. No two signets are alike, and you can create something that wasn’t there before. You wield pure power that takes the form of lighting because that’s what you're more comfortable shaping it as.”

  • “Wyverns aren't just alive ... They're created. They carry a form of energy forced into them by dark wielders.”

  • “The problem with mankind is we too often find our souls to be a fair price for power.”

  • “We do not eat our allies!”- Tairn

  • “Runes aren't just decorative. They're strands of magic pulled from our power, woven into geometric patterns for specific uses, and then placed into an object, either for immediate work or usage at a later date. We call that process tempering.”

  • “Nothing kills powerful, unshakeable love faster than opposing ideologies.”

  • “You're my gravity. Nothing in my world works without you.”



  • Resilience

  • Love

  • The struggle against authority

  • Inner strength



  • Violet Sorrengail in her second year, has to navigate the aftermath at Resson, her relationship with Xaden, and attempt to keep her shields up in case there are intrinsic around her. She is tested by Commandant Varrish, who tortures her because he knows she has her shields up. She does not want to put her friends in danger, but everything falls apart when Rhiannon, Sawyer, Ridoc and Jesinia all figure out there’s something out there. The outposts have been attacked, and wyverns are found all over. She flies from Aretia to Basgiath to see Xaden and finds out more than she bargained for while searching through his secrets.

  • Xaden Riorson is sent to the front lines and away from Violet under Commandant Varrish’s orders. He tries to keep them both apart, but Tairn and Sgaeyl can’t have that. While Xaden regroups in Aretia, the Assembly finds ways to get the luminary from Tecarus without risking Violet. Xaden is more outspoken about his feelings towards Violet in this second instalment, but it’s almost not enough because he asks her to ask him questions to get information. With Violet’s growing frustration, Xaden begins writing letters to Violet telling her about his past. Towards the end of the novel, we find out that Xaden is linked to another dragon because of his grandfather and is an Inntinnsic. He can foresee intent but not memories.

  • Dain Aetos has now become wingleader for Violet and her squad, and because of his special gift, Violet yells at him to stay away from her. Dain has maintained his distance and is constantly used against Violet because of Commandant Varrish. Fortunately, when Dain sees Violet brutally tortured by Varrish, he takes a stance and helps her kill him with Xaden by their side. The secrets of the Wyverns and Venin have been revealed to Dain through Violet showing him what she thought was safe enough to show him. In doing so, Dain was upset because he wouldn’t have gone against her and would have tried to help her. Dain is now in his redemptive era with Violet and Xaden.

  • Rhiannon Matthias is now squad leader, and rightfully so. She is meant to lead and to help others achieve their goals. Rhiannon and Violet have a very strained relationship in this second book of the series. For Violet to protect her friends, she stays away from them and remains quiet. The silent treatment doesn’t work for Rhiannon, so she continues to press, and when she does figure things out during a faux torture session, Rhiannon vows to help her best friend along with Sawyer and Ridoc.

  • Sloane Mairi: Sloane is Liam Mairi’s younger sister. She enters Basgiath War College on Conscription Day, where she meets Violet after crossing the parapet. After losing her brother, Sloane has kept her anger bottled up because she believes that he died because of Violet. Violet wants to look after Sloane and help her through her first year, but she refuses any help from her. Violet makes it her mission to watch and protect her, even if Sloane hates her. Violet tries to stay away, but her promise to Liam keeps her from moving forward. We find out that Sloane is a siphon, and she helps General Sorrengail temper the ward to get the others back up to save everyone from the Wyverns attack at Basgiath.

  • Aaric Graycastle: His actual name is Cam, and Violet knows him. He lies to his father, who believes his son is on a tour across the kingdom to celebrate his 20th birthday. Instead, Cam joins Basgiath War College by crossing the parapet, where he meets Violet. She recognizes him because of his eyes, a recognizable feature for everyone who knows him. During Threshing, he manages to bond to a Blue Clubtail.

  • Solas: Solas is Major Varrish’s dragon. During Transcription Day, Solas sets fire in front of the squad of bounded riders that successfully crossed the parapet. Tarin warns Solas to back off in an attempt to protect everyone. Solas is an orange daggertail who is just as ruthless and aggressive as Baide and Sgaeyl.

  • Burton Varrish: He is the Vice Commandant at Basgiath War College. He is sent to conduct RSC and prepare the second-year writers for the worst. He is known for his interrogations that sometimes lead to death. He is also assigned to Violet to make sure she will only be given two days of leave once every 14 days, only to fly Tairn directly to Sgaeyl. If she is absent for any other reason or stays longer than she should have, it will be considered a punishable offence. Varrish is against Violet and Xaden and plans on destroying their bond. After a torturous week for Violet, Varrish finally gets what he deserves, and she stabs Varrish right after she breaks out of the chambers with Xaden and Dain.

  • Nadine: She is a new friend of Violet’s in her second year and has been hanging around their group. She has gotten to know Violet, but Violet isn’t as friendly with Nadine. She has been keeping to herself because of what she knows, and she doesn’t want anyone else to get hurt because of her. However, Nadine doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation and finds herself in a horrible situation.

  • Lilith Sorrengail is Violet’s mother and a General of Navarre. Many believed that General Sorrengail was evil, and after reading this second book, it is apparent that she wanted to protect her children from everything. Even when she sees Brennan for the first time, she is taken aback. She loves all of her children, but there are ways to protect them from knowing what is out there. That’s why she sent Violet to the Riders Quadrant. She knew that Violet had a Scribe mindset and she would be fine in that department, but she was too frail to not know how to fight. She is now one of the most powerful Riders because of her signet. The fact that Lilith got to see all of her children before sacrificing herself to save them says a lot about who General Sorrengail is as a woman and mother.

  • Jack Barlowe has returned thanks to Professor Nolon, who is a Healer. Throughout the book we find Nolan to be exhausted every single day. Not many first years had been harmed during Threshing or the Gauntlet, so Violet didn’t understand why he was so drained. It isn’t until Jack returns to class that everyone is in shock. And this time, he’s nice to Violet. He even saves her. However, once we get to the end of book two, Barlowe reveals himself as a Venin and as Violet was helping Xaden smuggle out weapons for Aretia, Barlowe was bringing them into Basgiath and planned to take down the wards.




What changes happen in Iron Flame?

For those new to Romantasy, Fourth Wing was the perfect starter book. There was straightforward worldbuilding, strong character dynamics and well-written characters that will stand the test of time. The cliffhanger in Fourth Wing opened up a whole can of worms that Yarros explored in Iron Flame in great detail. Almost too much detail. The first part focuses more on Violet and Xaden being pulled apart because he is finished at Basgiath and must travel wherever they need him as Lieutenant.

Sgaeyl and Tairn can’t be that far from each other for too long, so Violet and Xaden must fly back and forth to see each other every week. During these meetings, Violet grows frustrated with Xaden because he keeps so much from her, and Xaden wants her to ask questions instead. Their relationship grows frustrating for readers as well. Yarros prolonged pieces of information to be shared so the second half could be nonstop action and discoveries. However, to get to part two was tedious. There are fun bonding moments between Violet, Rhiannon, Sawyer and Ridoc, which add well-needed humour to the confusing war narrative. But their dynamic also becomes frustrating because Violet refuses to share what happened at Resson.

What does Iron Flame teach us about Violet?

Well, it shows us how resilient she is, even if she’s the one being tortured. She blamed herself for everything in this book, yet the Wyvern and Venin had been kept a secret long before she was alive. Xaden tries to tell her that none of this is her fault, and she can’t stop it. She wants to protect everyone and tries to find a way out after she finds the journals to help them raise the wards. She can’t read old Lucerish or Tyrrish, and she goes to Jesinia to help her translate. She discovers that the six most powerful Riders need to temper with the ward stones to get them to work. Sadly, it doesn’t work until the very end of the book when she finds out the type of dragon Andarna is.

There are multiple objectives for Violet in Iron Flame that feel like a neverending cycle of exposition to explore the lore of the Empyrean further. There’s a way to dive deeper and not make it seem like readers have to take notes to understand the full scope of the world. On top of that, new characters are introduced, like Cat, who is a Gryphon rider and Xaden’s ex-girlfriend. Cat’s signet is being able to heighten the emotions of others, including Violet’s jealousy of Cat’s relationship with Xaden. Again, there are fun moments that add to character relationships, but then it becomes so detailed and heavy with the history and lore that it becomes overwhelming. Violet is pushed to her very limit in this second book, and it’s almost unfathomable to think she can undergo even more with three more books in the series.

How does Andarna evolve?

Andarna was a little golden feathertail who decided to bond with Violet after Tairn did. She is in her adolescent phase, where she must sleep for a long period for her to grow into a fully formed dragon. Once Andarna wakes, she has to adjust to her new body and practice flying again. Early on, we believe she’s a Black dragon similar to Tairn, but her scales are reflective and would change colour. Andarna is iridescent, but this could mean that she is still growing. Towards the end of the book, Violet finally understands that the journals didn’t mean six Riders to raise the wards, but SEVEN dragons to help raise the wards. Andarna could be the seventh dragon breed, and she has been waiting 650 years to hatch. She waited for Violet. Out of everything that happened in Iron Flame, Andarna is the character that will be the most exciting to watch grow over the next three books.

What happens to Xaden Riorson?

The relationship between Xaden and Violet was too good to be true after they told each other that they loved each other. After discovering the meaning of dragon pairings and the history of who dragons bond with, Violet has an inkling of a secret that Xaden won’t tell her. If the dragon you bonded with was originally with an ancestor, different, more powerful signets could manifest. Not only is Xaden a shadow summoner because of Sgaeyl, but he is an Inntinnsic because Sgaeyl was bonded with his grandfather. He can read other people’s true intentions through their minds. He tells Violet that he only used it on her once, but once he fell for her, he never used it again. They move past it rather quickly.

It was going too well up until this point. Xaden and Violet were communicating healthily, and Violet even shared that the head Venin, the Sage, would make an appearance in her nightmares from time to time. It isn’t until the Wyverns and Venin approach Basgiath that Xaden has this calling from the Sage. While Violet drained her energy into the wardstone and almost died, Xaden felt that she was dying. At that moment, Xaden was drained of his energy, and the Sage had him in a chokehold. He made a split-second decision to pull power from the Earth becoming Venin to match the Sage and kill him. He drops him into the water, which means the Sage could still be alive.

Is Iron Flame better than Fourth Wing?

In short, Fourth Wing is still better than Iron Flame. As I’ve stated above, there is so much information being thrown around that it’s impossible to register everything. From Xaden technically being King of Tyrrendor, but is just a Duke because the kingdom never formed to him being engaged to Cat who is also royalty because of Tercarus to Xaden making a deal with General Sorrengail to keep Violet safe no matter the cost after she maimed him, the list goes on. It’s a strong sequel, but it’s overstuffed with new characters and complicated politics.

Key points and questions to think about heading into Book 3:

  • With Xaden becoming Venin, I can imagine that more Venin will be revealed who has been undercover this whole time.

  • Violet’s second signet will most likely be revealed and it has to do with being able to speak to the dead.

  • After the fight at Basgiath, what will the Royal family of Navarre do with Cam (Aaric) and what will his signet be?

  • Will Commandant Varrish return in the same fashion Barlowe did?

  • Will Barlowe work with Xaden?

  • Will Violet Sorrengail stay with Xaden Riorson or will this be too much to handle and she will have another love interest? Dain? Cam?

  • What will happen to Sloane after they find out what happened with General Sorrengail with the wardstone?

  • Is General Sorrengail still alive?

Many things are left hanging in the air after Iron Flame and there is SO MUCH MORE that can happen in the next three books. Unfortunately, the release date for book three is December 2024. We were so blessed with Fourth Wing and Iron Flame released in the same year that it makes sense to have them spaced out. There is a television series in development and we will have plenty of theories to share over the next year!


What did you think about Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros? Is it better than Fourth Wing? Let us know in the comments below, or join our discord today!

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