Maude’s Book Club

Maude’s Book Club

If You Like ‘Dark Age’ By Pierce Brown
We have followed this series for book club and have plenty of HOWLERS in our discord community. Maude Garrett has had in-depth discussions with Pierce Brown for every single book in the series and he has had some well-needed insight.
If you are a fan of the Red Rising Saga, there are more fantasy/sci-fi books out there to pick up. Dark Age may feel like a heavy read because it’s 704 pages, but Brown makes it feel like a breeze. There’s so much to tackle in this fifth instalment.

If You Like ‘Artemis’ by Andy Weir Add These To Your TBR
This is the third novel by Weir that we’ve read for book club. We love his humour and the way he explores space in an approachable way for readers.
We have more recommendations if you’ve always been fascinated with space and the themes of loneliness, survival and artificial intelligence. Some of the books listed below cross genres and incorporate horror and fantasy.

Maude’s Book Club QNA with Andy Weir
The MBC community has chosen Artemis as the bonus book for April.
We are very fortunate that Andy Weir will join us for a QnA this month! If you’re a fan of his novels, come and discuss his sci-fi novels with us.

Convincing You to Read Books by Andy Weir
From The Martian to Project Hail Mary, Maude and the MBC community have loved his humour and how he depicts space. Within the sci-fi genre, the themes of loneliness and survival are very prominent. Weir explores how his lead characters navigate these obstacles in the wide unknown.

Bonus Book of the Month: ‘Artemis’ by Andy Weir
Are you a fan of Andy Weir’s novels?
Well, if you are and in case you didn’t know MBC has read Project Hail Mary and The Martian for book club. The MBC community has chosen Artemis as the bonus book for April!

May 2022 Selection: ‘The Martian’ by Andy Weir
Maude’s May selection is a fun little space adventure with Andy Weir. This month the community has chosen, The Martian!

January 2022 Selection: ‘Project Hail Mary’ by Andy Weir
The first book of the year is always important and Maude wanted to start off with Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Every month Maude chooses a new Fantasy or Sci-Fi novel with her book club.
Join Maude’s Book Club!
We know that the internet can be a tough space to navigate and that’s why we want to create a safe space for everyone in the reading community to be able to discuss their favourite books with other bookworms.
Not only do community members interact with other book lovers and creator Maude Garrett, but Maude connects with the authors of the books directly so the community can also discuss the book with their favoruite authors.