Maude’s Book Club

Maude’s Book Club

5 Summer Beach Reads To Add To Your TBR
Book Lists, Summer 2024 Amanda Guarragi Book Lists, Summer 2024 Amanda Guarragi

5 Summer Beach Reads To Add To Your TBR

We are deep into summer and the weather has been lovely for reading outside!

Whether you’re ready to pick up a romance or a thriller to keep you locked in near the beach. This summer, there’s something for everyone. Interestingly, those two genres are the main go-to’s during this season. Sometimes light and fun standalone books are the best for the summer. And it’s nice to read smaller books to help reach your reading goal!

Here are the 5 books to add to your TBR this summer.

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We know that the internet can be a tough space to navigate and that’s why we want to create a safe space for everyone in the reading community to be able to discuss their favourite books with other bookworms.

Not only do community members interact with other book lovers and creator Maude Garrett, but Maude connects with the authors of the books directly so the community can also discuss the book with their favoruite authors.