Maude’s Book Club

Maude’s Book Club

If You Like Racing Movies Like' Gran Turismo’ You Should Add These To Your TBR
Book News, Book Lists Amanda Guarragi Book News, Book Lists Amanda Guarragi

If You Like Racing Movies Like' Gran Turismo’ You Should Add These To Your TBR

If you’ve been an avid gamer and have been attached to your Sony Playstation for years, Gran Turismo has been your favourite racing game to play. Even before Forza came out, there was no competition for GT. Many people didn’t know that the film was based on a true story about race car driver Jann Mardenbororugh’s rise from gamer to professional racer.

Sony made a bold choice in changing the mould of the video game adaptation to incorporate a true story for the racing game to come to life.

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If You Like ‘Dungeon Crawler Carl’ by Matt Dinniman You Should Add These To Your TBR
Book News, Book Lists Amanda Guarragi Book News, Book Lists Amanda Guarragi

If You Like ‘Dungeon Crawler Carl’ by Matt Dinniman You Should Add These To Your TBR

For the month of August, we have read Dungeon Crawler Carl and Carl’s Doomsday Scenario back to back. The first two books of the series have been so fun to read and we’ve had great discussions with our community.

If you’ve been a fan of video games for as long as you can remember, then LITRPGs may be something to look into!

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Hot Off The Shelf: August 22nd New Releases
Book News, New Releases Amanda Guarragi Book News, New Releases Amanda Guarragi

Hot Off The Shelf: August 22nd New Releases

Happy August everyone! This means summer is almost over and those reading lists are about to wrap up.

There are books from new authors, second books from acclaimed authors, and stories you may seem interested in just by the synopsis. At Maude’s Book Club, we want our community to broaden their horizons and try new genres!

Here are the new books being released in the fourth week of August!

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If You Like ‘Landscape with invisible HAND’ yOU shOULD add These To Your TBR
Book News, Book Lists Amanda Guarragi Book News, Book Lists Amanda Guarragi

If You Like ‘Landscape with invisible HAND’ yOU shOULD add These To Your TBR

When sci-fi and comedy come together it’s almost always a good time. Even though the concepts may be far-fetched, creativity is what makes it worth the watch. It’s interesting to see the concepts come alive on screen. Audiences imagine things that writers create and then filmmakers push that boundary.

Maude Garrett has read Landscape with Invisible Hand by M.T. Anderson and it’s a young adult sci-fi novel that will capture the hearts of many. Now that it has been adapted for the big screen, many are able to turn to the book for more imagination and creativity.

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Hot Off The Shelf: August 15th New Releases
Book News, New Releases Amanda Guarragi Book News, New Releases Amanda Guarragi

Hot Off The Shelf: August 15th New Releases

Happy August everyone! This means summer is almost over and those reading lists are about to wrap up.

There are books from new authors, second books from acclaimed authors, and stories you may seem interested in just by the synopsis. At Maude’s Book Club, we want our community to broaden their horizons and try new genres!

Here are the new books being released in the third week of August!

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If You Like ‘Only Murders in the Building’ Then Add These To Your TBR
Book News, Book Lists Amanda Guarragi Book News, Book Lists Amanda Guarragi

If You Like ‘Only Murders in the Building’ Then Add These To Your TBR

The Hulu series Only Murders in the Building has a wonderful cast and some fun mysteries. Now in its third season, the chemistry between Steve Martin, Selena Gomez and Martin Short has only gotten stronger. What started out as a murder podcast being dissected has now evolved over time as our detective trio finds new mysteries along the way.

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Hot Off The Shelf: August 8th New Releases
Book News, New Releases Amanda Guarragi Book News, New Releases Amanda Guarragi

Hot Off The Shelf: August 8th New Releases

Happy August everyone! This means summer is almost over and those reading lists are about to wrap up.

There are books from new authors, second books from acclaimed authors, and stories you may seem interested in just by the synopsis. At Maude’s Book Club, we want our community to broaden their horizons and try new genres!

Here are the new books being released in the second week of August!

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Join Maude’s Book Club!

We know that the internet can be a tough space to navigate and that’s why we want to create a safe space for everyone in the reading community to be able to discuss their favourite books with other bookworms.

Not only do community members interact with other book lovers and creator Maude Garrett, but Maude connects with the authors of the books directly so the community can also discuss the book with their favoruite authors.