Book Chat: ‘Golden Son’ by Pierce Brown

Golden Son is a 2015 science fiction novel by American author Pierce Brown, the second in his Red Rising trilogy.

The sequel to 2014's Red Rising, Golden Son continues to follow lowborn Darrow's plan to destroy the Society from within. It debuted at #6 on The New York Times Best Seller list and won the 2015 Goodreads Choice Award for Science Fiction.

Golden Son is followed by the third novel in the series, Morning Star, published in February 2016.

golden son by pierce brown


As a Red, Darrow grew up working the mines deep beneath the surface of Mars, enduring backbreaking labour while dreaming of the better future he was building for his descendants. But the Society he faithfully served was built on lies. Darrow’s kind has been betrayed and denied by their elitist masters, the Golds—and their only path to liberation is revolution. And so Darrow sacrifices himself in the name of the greater good for which Eo, his true love and inspiration, laid down her own life. He becomes a Gold, infiltrating their privileged realm so that he can destroy it from within.

A lamb among wolves in a cruel world, Darrow finds friendship, respect, and even love—but also the wrath of powerful rivals. To wage and win the war that will change humankind’s destiny, Darrow must confront the treachery arrayed against him, overcome his all-too-human desire for retribution—and strive not for violent revolt but a hopeful rebirth. Though the road ahead is fraught with danger and deceit, Darrow must choose to follow Eo’s principles of love and justice to free his people.




  • “I will die. You will die. We will all die and the universe will carry on without care. All that we have is that shout into the wind - how we live. How we go. And how we stand before we fall.”

  • “Home isn't where you're from, it's where you find light when all grows dark.”

  • “Friendships take minutes to make, moments to break, years to repair.”

  • “Rise so high, in mud you lie.”

  • “A fool pulls the leaves. A brute chops the trunk. A sage digs the roots.”

  • “I live for my sisters.
    I live for my brother.
    I am and always have been a son to the people of the Valkyrie Spires. Born free to Alia Snowsparrow on the wild pole of Mars, north of the Dragon Spine, south of the Fallen City.
    Forty-four scars have I earned for Gold since the slavers of the Weeping Sun came from the stars to take my family to the Chain Islands. Seven scars from others of my kind when they placed me in the nogoge, where I was trained.
    One from my mother. Five from the talons of the monster who guards Witch Pass. Six from the woman who taught me to love. One from my first master. Fifteen from man and beasts I fought in an arena for the pleasure of the Ash Lord and his guests. Nine I earned for the Reaper.
    For Gold, I have buried three sisters. One brother. Two fathers.
    But…for them, I have never earned a scar.
    Now I live for more.”



  • We learn more about who Nero is and what his history is about:
    “I found out later, Nero contrived an agreement with the daughter of the sitting Sovereign. You know her as Octavia au Lune. Younger then, she convinced her father to give Nero the throne of Mars and his revenge; in return, she earned Nero’s support when she led the faction that overthrew and killed her father five years later. That is the man you started a war for.”

  • The actual, poetic demise of the Jackal
    “Then farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear. Farewell remorse: all good to me is lost.” He whispers to some distant, fading part of himself as he lazily lifts the scorcher to his father’s forehead. “Evil, be thou my good.”
    “Stop!” Aja steps forward. “Adrius! In the name of the Sovereign …”
    The Jackal shoots his father in the head.

  • There is something so sinister about Jackal quoting Lucifer's lines from PARADISE LOST like he's becoming a fallen angel at that moment.


Brutal Death Count

  • Quinn

  • Tactus

  • Bellonas, excepting Cassius and his evil mother

  • Pliny

  • Victra

  • Lorn

  • Augustus

  • Fitchner/ARES


  • Being in somebody’s shadow

  • Trust & Loyalty

  • Nature vs. Nurture

  • Freedom vs. Order

  • Extremely aggravated by Darrow continuing to keep his friends at arms-length, even as he recognized the damage his withholding was causing to those relationships. “YES!!! All Darrow wants is the trust of his friends and yet he can’t give them the same.”- Catch22

  • Roque stopped making sense a little. Blaming Darrow for the death of his friends? Blood is on EVERYONE’S hands. This is WAR. 


Talking Points

  1. The RISKS Darrow takes in sharing who he is to Ragnar, then Mustang on Lykos. Darrow feels unable to continue his relationship with Mustang until she knows ALL of him, but these are loose threads with no indication of loyalty or guaranteed trust. 

  2. If the first book was about Darrow completing everything easily (the entry exam, the Institute trials) then this book showcases his FAILURES. In the academy with the fleet. With Augustus. With his friend’s betrayal.
    His friend’s deaths. 

  3. Where did Mustang go at the end of the book and whose side will she pick once she’s heard of the betrayal? For that matter, where were Ragnar and Servro? “I would not be surprised if Darrow was half expecting a betrayal so Mustang, Sevro and Ragnar being gone was all part of his plan.  We don’t know the full contents of the holo Darrow gave Mustang” _ Catch22

  4. Ares’ identity was revealed as Sevro’s father, ­­­­­­­­Fitnicher, who had infiltrated the Sovereign’s circle to the point of being named the Rage Knight. I didn’t see the twist coming; however, once it was revealed I had an overwhelming feeling that I should have known all along. I enjoyed the fact that Gold was behind the Sons of Ares, clamouring for a revolution.

  5. How did Darrow reveal himself to the Jackal?

  6. Are Darrow’s Uncle and Cousin dead?

  7. Given the trauma Darrow has faced, is he really in love with Mustang or is it some combination of feeling a debt for her saving him, being completely alone amongst enemies and she is the least terrible among them or some other product of his grief? Or, maybe, he does love the daughter of the man who killed his wife and child.

  8. Will Darrow’s ultimate allies and best hope for rebellion be Golds like Mustang and Sevro, or will it be in lowColors motivated by their desire for freedom, like Ragnar and Orion?

  9. How did people like the constant plot twists, betrayals, and other impactful events happening every couple of chapters? This was why I dropped it down from 5/5/ to 4.5/5. Too many chapters ending in a cliffhanger just make it so there are no stakes. The hero always lives and wins the day. Ho hum.


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