Maude’s Book Club

Maude’s Book Club

‘Fourth Wing’ Guide: Dragons and Their Riders
Fourth Wing, Rebecca Yarros, Book News Amanda Guarragi Fourth Wing, Rebecca Yarros, Book News Amanda Guarragi

‘Fourth Wing’ Guide: Dragons and Their Riders

When it comes to world-building in fantasy novels, there can be an overload of information. Character names can be mixed up and even hard to pronounce. In Fourth Wing and now Iron Flame, Rebecca Yarros has made it difficult for readers to keep up with all the dragons bonded to their riders with their signets. Yarros focuses on Violet Sorrengail and her two dragons, Tairn and Andarna, but there are so many characters that end up helping her in Iron Flame.

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‘Fourth Wing’ Character Break Down
Book News, Fourth Wing Amanda Guarragi Book News, Fourth Wing Amanda Guarragi

‘Fourth Wing’ Character Break Down

The MBC community has been having such a great time reading Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros for book club this month. Yarros has said that this first instalment to her Empyrean series is a starter book for those who want to dive into Romantasy. That being said, the characters are very likable, and all have great dynamics with one another.

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Join Maude’s Book Club!

We know that the internet can be a tough space to navigate and that’s why we want to create a safe space for everyone in the reading community to be able to discuss their favourite books with other bookworms.

Not only do community members interact with other book lovers and creator Maude Garrett, but Maude connects with the authors of the books directly so the community can also discuss the book with their favoruite authors.